8.5 - Email sequences / series ideas

8.5 - Email sequences / series ideas

Here are the 6 types of email sequences / series:

1/ Impress A Stranger Series
2/ Show Me The Mahhhney Series
3/ Just 1 Last Step Series
4/ Why Did You Leave Me Series
5 /Let’s Break Up Series
6/ I Appreciate You Series

After folks have completed series #1, #2, #6, put them into your weekly / bi-weekly / monthly newsletter so that you keep appearing in their inbox and stay top of mind. Remember, they might not need your product/service right now, but they might in the future or even refer you to their network.

If you want actual email examples and TEMPLATES for all the series above, so that you can plug-n-play and quickly use them in your business, click the link below (paid add-ons): 📈Quick Wins (incl. 10-min Email Sales Funnels)