8.4 - Broadcast ideas

8.4 - Broadcast ideas

Newsletter / Valuable content

This is your typical newsletter broadcast informing subscribers the latest newsletter issue / blog post has just been released.

The newsletter content could be original content you created from scratch, or it could be curated.


Sam Chui’s original content newsletter about aviation & travel:


E.g. Janel’s Brainpint curated newsletter:


You can have the content directly inside the email message, or you could post an excerpt and link it to your post over on your site.

Because not everyone who opens your email is going to click the link, I’d suggest including the entire content inside the email.

Announcement / Update / News

This is updating your subscribers with what’s going on with your business. Maybe you have a pricing change, or you’ve just released a new feature in your product, or maybe your business is featured on popular media outlets.

The latter is perfect for “boosting your credibility” without seemingly trying to brag. You’re just sharing information.

Occasionally, you can also update them about your personal life (optional). E.g. Maybe you just had a newborn baby, or you’ve just celebrated the first anniversary of your company with your small team. Include pics too -- they show the human side of you and your business.

It helps them to connect with you on a deeper and more personal level if you also include flashes of your personal life.


BirdSend’s update email:


Survey / Question

Have a new product idea? Survey your subscribers and customers and see what they think and whether they’d want to buy.

Want to know if you’re delivering on customers’ or subscribers' expectations? Ask them directly.

Just ask them to reply to your email and give feedback. No need to use survey/feedback tools, unless you’re advanced in this area.

The more steps you require someone to do, the more drop-offs there are.


Sales offer

Just released a new offer? Let your subscribers know.

Running a time-sensitive promo? Tell them!

To make sure you don’t upset folks who are not interested in your offer, I suggest segmenting those who are interested, and sending emails to these people only. So you send 1 or 2 emails to your entire list, and then ask them to click on your link if they’re interested in the promo. —- E.g. If you’re interested in getting this special promo launch offer, click here. —- If they click, run an automation in your ESP (email service provider) to tag these folks “interested in product X promo”. When your offer is live, send promo emails only to these folks.


Jon Buchan’s sales offer:
