7.1 - 16 ways to boost opt-in conversions

7.1 - 16 ways to boost opt-in conversions

More subscribers ≠ greater success

We already covered the base strategy on how to persuade website visitors to give us their email address -- by giving away a valuable lead magnet.

There are a few additional tips on how we can maximize the conversion from visitors to subscribers. i.e. how to get higher opt-in conversion rates.

Before we start, it’s important to understand that more subscribers doesn’t necessarily mean more success to your business.

How come?

Because you don’t want just any subscriber joining your email list. You only want those who’re really interested in your topic to be your subscribers.



  • You’ll have greater overall email deliverability by only emailing the most interested subscribers. Higher open and click rates, less bounces and spam complaints.
  • You’ll save money. Email marketing tools / ESP (email service providers) charge by the number of subscribers.
  • Why would you bombard people who're not interested in your topic and what you have to offer?
Way #1 - Dedicated lead capture page
Way #2 - Cast your "opt-in forms" net wide
Way #3 - AOC equation
Way #4 - Hook the reader early
Way #5 - Stop saying "Newsletter"
Way #6 - Power words
Way #7 - Use "3" instead of "three"
Way #8 - Stop obsessing over stupid things
Way #9 - Craft a great headline
Way #10 - Matching headline
Way #11 - Above the fold
Way #12 - WIIFM
Way #13 - Bullets
Way #14 - Trust elements
Way #15 - Irresistible CTA
Way #16 - Preview content